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Salsa ~ Salsa ~ Salsa

We love salsa and eat it most days, so when we relocated to our new city and were unable to find a salsa that met our high standards, well…we got busy! Ta-da…here it is, we hope you love it! I’d love to be able to tell you how long it “keeps”…it’s never gone bad in […]


Nourishing Barley Bowl

This was a happy “first-time’s a charm” success story. It had been a looong time since we cooked up barley and as the fall season rolls in with cooler temperatures, this dish really hit the spot. High in fiber and anti-oxidants, the barley in this dish will leave you feeling nourished and content. And, kale […]


Easy Crunchy Curry Salad

This was an experiment gone right! It’s been so long since the first time we made this that I can’t remember exactly how it came about, but if I had to guess, it was a moment of tossing together whatever we had on hand because we were low on traditional salad dressing ingredients. Anyway, it […]

Breakfast, Snacks

Easy Breakfast

Sometimes, it’s gotta be quick! This is a favorite easy breakfast or snack loaded with protein, potassium, fiber, and additional vitamins. Whip up a smoothie or, grab a hot cup of your favorite tea or coffee and, off you go!


Perfect Popcorn

It really seems silly to have a recipe for popcorn…until you try this! We are traditionalists when it comes to our popcorn and love it made on our stove-top. This recipe is not my original and I wish I could remember who to thank for sharing. We like to use a pot (2000 ml or […]


Black Beans with Pizazz!

These black beans have some zip and zest! Ever since our friend, Natalie brought this dish to a gathering, we have been addicted! And, it is an easy and delicious meal to pack for lunch to go, tastes great at room temperature too. Protein-rich quinoa and black beans combine with an array of colorful and […]

Sweet Treats

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins

We made a batch of these last week and they lasted less than 24 hours. So, I made a double batch two days later since we had been gifted a GIGANTIC zucchini (image below) that our friends grew in their garden. The second batch did not last much longer. The moral…these muffins are irresistible! When […]

Bowls, Salad

Val’s Vibrant Black Beans

Val is amazing! Smart, beautiful, athletic, and a genius in the kitchen. Thanks to her, this recipe is a regular on our menu. Stuff it in tacos and top with salsa and avocado, serve on top of your favorite lettuce or cabbage (we love red cabbage) for a salad, or serve as a “dip” to […]

Breakfast, Smoothies, Sweet Treats

Chocolate Moon Smoothie

We LOVE chocolate and this smoothie is a sneaky and delicious way to eat a healthy dose! Dark chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidants and some say it could even improve brain function! Yay, chocolate. The hemp seeds and nut butter are excellent protein sources while the bananas provide a nice boost of potassium, […]


Easy Vegan Challah

Shabbat Shalom! This is the easiest vegan challah recipe.  We adapted this from a favorite soft pretzel recipe we found.  Fresh-baked challah in less than 90 minutes and, most of this time is letting the dough rise and baking time. Amazing!